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Age Verification

Hello! You’re probably wondering why you have been redirected here…

As you may know, your state elected officials are now requiring adult content websites to verify your age before allowing you access to our website. I’m sorry but unfortunately, due to recent age verification laws in the US states listed below, I have temporarily blocked access to all my websites for visitors based in these locations. The legal compliance and penalties are just too cumbersome and risky for a small business owner like myself. I am working on evaluating other options for age verification solutions.

If you have been blocked but do not live in any of the states below, please leave a comment below or contact me to help resolve the unintentional block. You should also visit this page to see the geo-location of where your current IP address is showing up as:

As you may have also read, Pornhub recently also made this same decision. While there are digital age verification technologies available, they can be cost-prohibitive and also do little to protect the identify of the visitor. Requiring a visitor to upload a copy of their ID in order to access adult content puts users’ privacy at risk. Adults should have the freedom to view and browse any content they want anonymously and privately without the risk of their online behavior getting hacked or leaked and used against them in the public section, such as government enforcement or in their job.

Age verification is a good thing and wholeheartedly I believe in protecting minors from access to adult content to make the internet safe, however it needs to be done correctly and these laws are purely the over-religious right asserting their beliefs and control over people in these states. I am based in California so we’re good here, but I just can’t risk any retribution from these other states. If you live in one of these states, I’m sorry you don’t have the freedom and privacy protections to do what you want.

Rather than try to explain everything myself, I urge you to read the statement issued by Pornhub so you can learn more and help take action.

Access may be blocked to users in the following American states due to Age Verification laws:  

  • Alabama
  • Arkansas
  • Florida
  • Idaho
  • Indiana
  • Kansas
  • Kentucky
  • Mississippi
  • Montana
  • Nebraska
  • North Carolina
  • Oklahoma
  • South Carolina
  • Texas
  • Utah
  • Virginia

Again, if you have been blocked but do not live in any of the states above, please leave a comment below or contact me to help resolve the unintentional block. Have any other question or want to discuss this more? Please leave a comment below. I’d also love to hear any feedback from you on whether you would be comfortable registering as a user on my site and submitting confidential ID for age verification to gain access.

Thank you!

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